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Innovation is the  application  of new solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective productsprocesses,servicestechnologies, or ideas that are readily available to marketsgovernments and society. In business and economics, innovation is the catalyst to growth. With rapid advancements in transportation and communications over the past few decades, the old world concepts of factor endowments and comparative advantage which focused on an area’s unique inputs are outmoded for today’s global economy.

Innovating Marketing Services, Tapping into the innovative mindset and develop differentiated solutions.
Marketing Services

How do you define Innovation in your organization? Where in your organization does innovation come from? What percent of your 3-5 year pipeline will come from new-to-market ideas? Do you have a disciplined process to ensure a rich pipeline?In looking at the marketplace today, there are far too many brands doing the same thing they did ten years ago. What is their reality? Shrinking margins and diminishing profits. Of course, implementing change for change’s sake is not the answer. It’s about smart innovation. Forging a new path to success and finding a new approach is sometimes the only thing that works. We are always asking, is there a better, more meaningful way to differentiate and create value? To innovate requires creative thinking. It demands close attention to consumer trends. Whether we are coming up with a campaign idea, domain development or specific concepts that involve customer vetting and business validation, we are always thinking different. If there is a better way to market the brand,  This includes portfolio innovation – new-to-market products and services. From the full slate of tools we use to the disciplined framework we follow, we can help guide you through a new or improved process to develop a rich innovation pipeline. We can help you define and scope innovation respective of company objectives. Determine innovation investments as a part of overall capital investments Develop innovation process – from customer insight gathering, ideation, concept development, domain creation, experimentation to production and scale-upDevelop an integrated solution approach for your current portfolio of products and services.Manage total portfolio and innovation pipeline Create company “Center of Excellence,” with staffing model considerations We also employ innovative marketing programming. For us, “out-of-box” is not an empty expression. It means coming at the solution from a unique angle if it’s proven that a unique approach is relevant and meaningful to your customers. We have a long history of developing ‘industry first’ marketing programs that exceed objectives. We can assist you in:       Interactive programming use-related marketingPartnership/alliance development Incentive programs Viral, social and mobile marketing We understand that creation and communication of the brand promise is only the start. You also need to fulfill this promise. Emanating from your culture and vision, and integrated into the needs and aspirations of your customers, you need the perfect environment for sustained innovation.  Our marketing goal is to help you tap into the innovative mindset and develop differentiated solutions that will impact your bottom line and strengthen your relationships with your customers. 

Research & Development

Development directors play crucial roles in the successes or failures of organizations. Successful directors build upon and create key relationships to expand their funding bases and to ensure that their organizations' programs and goals are realized.   It is crucial to enable an effective research and development team 


Our profession is to shape,sharpen and polish the way you communicate. 

This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. 

Tip: Use this area to describe one of your services. You can change the title to the service you provide and use this text area to describe your service. Feel free to change the image.

Interested in hiring us for one of your special events? Let's Talk.​


Thanks so much to the MotesArt Marketing team for making our website launch both a painless and enjoyable experience. You provide one of the best and easiest website solutions on the internet today. The quality, price and value are excellent. Your customer support is first rate. Your product is simple and intuitive even for first time users. Thanks again for all of your help and we will definitely be sending you more business!"        Abe M. Sher      


We were in desperate need of a new website when the MotesArt Solutions Team called, and through a gentle sales approach, it became apparent that I needed to re-do it now rather than later. The ‘self editing’ feature of the new site that you would create was the defining factor for me, as I knew this could keep the site more fresh than a site that was only editable by a ‘webmaster’! Coupled with new codes that would attract the search engines, you and I both knew we had to make the change now. 
The process was extremely fast and easy, and the editing features were all I had hoped for. The basic home page design of the site really hit the mark and worked for all the other pages as well. Arek was able to handle any request I had and took the time to explain technical procedures in a way that I could understand and implement.
I am now very proud of the new site and love to ‘escort’ potential customers to certain pages when I am explaining things. As almost 100% of our business involves the website, it was important to make it simple to understand, easy to navigate and tasteful. Already, after only one ‘live’ week, we are getting very positive comments about the ‘quality’ of our products, greatly due to how they are presented on our beautiful website.
Thanks again for all your help in this effort and I look forward to reporting to you how the search engines have helped to bring in new business for us!
~ David Beer, R.A.
President, YesterTec Design Company



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